What Is The SSB Interview - Introduction to SSB Interview
What Is The SSB Interview - Introduction to SSB Interview
Interview as per common understanding is a formal conversation of an aspirant or a seeker with an expert in which the latter examines the worth of the aspirant/seeker for a particular job or position in the organisation or a group. Such a conversation generally happens in form of a question-answer session. The expert asks questions and the aspirant or the seeker proves his worth through his answers to the questions.
In modern life, everyone faces such a situation is almost routinely wherein appearing for interview becomes inescapable. Competitive activities like admissions to schools, award of scholarships, selection into teams for quiz, drama, scouting, NCC, debates, declamations etc and at the end of education; for getting into a vocation mandate clearance of an interview. In the process of interview, the candidate (the seeker or aspirant) meets an expert or a panel of experts and a session of face-to-face conversation takes place. Finally, the expert or the group of experts conclude regarding the suitability of the candidate.
As a process, Interview is a simple and productive- As the methodology of interview is only the conversation it has wide acceptance for being simple. Also, it is rather productive. It brings out many qualities of a candidate especially relating to logical ability, wit, humour, expression, depth and span of knowledge, ability to apply the knowledge, handle stress, presentation skills etc. Due to these characteristics interview has been in vogue since the earliest known records of human civilisation.
As a tool for selection, the methodology of interview has been well studied and researched in the modern times. Many new dimensions have been added to the classical concept of interview.
SSBs too use interview as a technique which is at par with psychological tests and group tests. Important here to mention is that- the process of interview at SSBs is more like a psychological interview. Psychological interview has certain presumptions which are discussed in the following text-
- Spontaneous answers of interviewee carry his thoughts, emotions, attitudes, value system and evidence of his mental strength.
- Past is predictor of future. The behaviour of a person generally remains consistent with his past behaviour pattern. Therefore, past has to be probed rather intensively.
- Personality is the outcome of interplay of heredity and environmental factors. Childhood experiences shape the personality to a very great extent; (quality parentage, social and educational environment, family composition, emotional and financial deprivations etc) and hence inputs from the developmental history (especially secondary schooling) of candidates are to be obtained after thorough probing.
- The unconscious anxiety, stress and motives are reflected in the language, voice, tone and body language of interviewee. A skilled interviewer must not ignore these for a purposeful interview.
- Interview is to be carried out in friendly and assuring atmosphere to allow the interviewee is to express himself freely. The role of the IO therefore is that of a facilitator and a cordial stimulant rather than an authoritative person.
Appearance and General Preparations- Pl bear in mind that unlike in the civil the interviews at SSBs don’t mandate any formal preparations for appearance etc. One need not be overcautious as far as wearing a formal dress (lounge suit/tie/formal combination etc) at SSBs is concerned. Also, in civil, generally, people appear with a file/folder containing certificates and credentials.
Here they are of secondary importance. The IO knows your schedule well. might be called for the interview while you are on your way back after your workout in ground with hands soiled and while still your are in PT kit. Don’t get nervous regarding your appearance. The IO knows your schedules and will accommodate you well. If you have time to change, do wear any decent dress. Shirt and trousers (even jeans/denim will do) and enough. Yes, do take care to wear shoes and don’t appear too casual.
Conduct of Interview
Interview is an interactive technique and therefore it cannot be made very rigid and bound by strict rules. Also, the sequence of things cannot be chartered. However, any holistic and purposeful interview has three major contents-
- Rapport Building
- Comprehensive Introductory Questions (CIQ)
- Probing of OLQs
- Rapport Building- the Ice Breaking
Two persons who have never met before; when sit together (and more so in a formal situation), experience uneasiness between them. It is natural. Such uneasiness
is not conducive to smooth interaction. And hence an environment of trust, ease and assurance is to be created. In the parlance of interview technique the process of breaking the ice, creating ease and extending mutual assurance is called as rapport building (t is silent in rapport). Once rapport is built, the serious business of interview can take place. In other words- rapport building is the preparatory stage which prepares and smoothens the atmosphere of interview.
At SSBs the responsibility for initiating the rapport building rests with the IO. Through very simple inquiring questions and smile the IO communicates his fair intentions and friendly attitude. Also, he shows concern about candidates’ comforts and ease through questions like-
- Has your group finished the group testing?
- Did you have to wait a long for your interview call?
- How was the breakfast today?
- How do you find the weather of this place as compared to your native place?
- Did you expect this place to be so cold/hot/pleasant ? Sometimes he may show appreciation for your dress, cheerful attitude or your appearance with certain exclamations-
- Seems you are quite happy being with us!
- Oh, you appear to be a sportsman....at least by appearance!
- I am pleased to meet such a handsome hunk like you!
There are thousand ways through which the IO communicates his acceptance to your presence. You will see that within no time the ice is broken and you are comfortable with him.
After satisfying himself regarding the ease and comfort of the candidate the IO might inform him as to what is in store for the next about 40 minutes. He may say- during the next 45 mts or so we will talk mostly about you, your family, education, aims, spare time activities and interests etc. I have got some information about all these through the PIQ that you filled up on your arrival here. Please talk freely on all these matters. But be informed that the interview is not a mechanical or robotic process. The IO has full liberty to communicate his intentions in some different words or ways. However, with these words, the IO prepares you for his next step i.e. the CIQ.
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